NEW RESOURCE: Guidance for Planning Vision Care Across the Lifecycle

Strategies to Provide Vision Care for a Lifetime of Good Health


Granddaughter hugs her grandma both wearing glasses showing vision care at different stages of life A new guide from VSP succinctly describes the stages of vision and eye health across every age group, from newborn infants to senior citizens. Vision Care for a Lifetime of Good Health is a valuable reference tool for health plan clients seeking to determine the scope of their vision coverage for members of all ages. 


Read our new guide for strategies you can implement today.


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Surprising Findings Could Affect Your Plan Decisions

Did you know that newborns may be referred to an eye doctor as early as age six months to formally diagnose and begin correction of conditions like nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism?  Ensuring your benefit plans include vision coverage for newborn infants and exams can help preserve healthy vision and may help promote member loyalty for your youngest members and their families. 

Similarly, guidance from the American Optometric Association in March 2023 shifted the recommended frequency for annual eye exams for healthy adults from once every two years to once annually.  This guidance was changed to reflect the clinical knowledge that annual exams are likely to result in earlier diagnosis of eye and vision problems and prevent later vision loss. 

Read our new eBook for guidance on how to structure your benefit plans to optimize visual function, evaluate eye changes, and provide for the earlier detection of sight-threatening eye and systemic health conditions.


Read the Guide for More


Eye Care Is Health Care
Eye care is health care. This has been VSP’s mantra for years. Why? Because a WellVision Exam® from a VSP network doctor can help detect early signs of 273 chronic health and eye issues, including cataracts, diabetes, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, high cholesterol, hypertension, and macular degeneration. 


Contact us to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how VSP and iCare Health Solutions can help your members see clearly.

1.  American Optometric Association. "Infant Vision: Birth to 24 Months of Age."
2.  American Optometric Association. Comprehensive Adult Eye and Vision Examination. Second Edition. 2023.