Three Surprising Facts About Baby Boomers

Meeting the vision benefit expectations of America's aging population 


Strategically targeted, technology-driven benefits and health resources are essential to reach and engage the Baby Boom populationMade up of nearly 70 million people, Americans born during the Baby Boom Generation (1946-1964) remain an important segment of the healthcare market. Baby Boomers, currently between 59 and 78 years old, are split almost evenly between middle and early old age.1 This means they are either current Medicare Advantage buyers, or quickly approaching the market. 

While often lumped together in the category of "older Americans," there are three surprising facts about Baby Boomers that might make you reconsider how to plan to compete for their healthcare dollars: 

1.    93% of Baby Boomers have smartphones and 75% use mobiles apps to stay connected to the world.2 
2.    An estimated half of Baby Boomers are still active in the workforce—which may impact their expectation of benefit levels.3
3.    One-quarter of Baby Boomers identify as caregivers—which may impact both their time, health, and their savvy navigating programs like Medicare.4 

Strategically targeted, technology-driven benefits and health resources are essential to reach and engage the Baby Boom population. Giving members online access to health care diagnostic and communication tools—combined with educational and preventive resources—will let your Baby Boom members access care when and how they want. Minimally, Medicare Advantage plans targeted at the generation born between 1946 and 1964 need to consider including: 

●    Coverage of telehealth and other forms of virtual visits, like the VSP® WellVision eExam™.
●    Online, comprehensive find-a-doctor tools that include details on the office's level of technology savvy.
●    Secure access to members' electronic vision health record where users can schedule appointments, send email to their doctor, and get access to their vision prescription information.

Contact us to learn how VSP and iCare Health Solutions can help you get your Medicare Advantage plans ready to meet the vision plan expectations of Baby Boomers. 


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