Virtual Care Makes Annual Exams More Convenient

A New Approach to See a Remote Optometrist with Added Flexibility


With VSP's virtual exams, WellVision eExamâ„¢, patients have optionsThe pandemic gave rise to many health services being offered virtually. Patients now have access to many health-related services from home via video calls. When it comes to eye care, however, a comprehensive eye exam, VSP® WellVision Exam®, requires technology that must be provided in person. That said, virtual care is still having an impact on how eye care is being provided. For example, VSP is piloting in-office virtual exams at select locations. This new approach often allows patients to see a remote optometrist sooner with added flexibility to schedule an exam when it fits their schedule. 

With VSP's virtual exams, WellVision eExam™, patients visit an office or clinic where a trained technician reviews their medical history, notes current symptoms, and other relevant information. The technician then uses specialized equipment to examine the patient's eyes and checks for various conditions, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and signs of eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts.

Once the technician gathers the exam information, the remote optometrist reviews the findings in real-time and speaks with the patient using high-definition video conferencing. The optometrist displays the patient's retinal images during the video conference, discusses the results, and answers any questions. When the optometrist finishes the exam, they provide the patient's new glasses and/or contact lens prescriptions. 

Why Annual Exams Are Important
Many vision problems can go undetected for long periods as symptoms for some conditions can be very mild. When vision problems are not detected and addressed in a timely manner, it can lead to health complications. 

Eye exams also significantly affect the overall health of your members, not just eyesight. An annual eye exam can help detect serious health conditions, including diabetes, thyroid disease, and high blood pressure.  Yearly eye exams also provide an opportunity to update vision corrections, improving the overall quality of life.

About the VSP WellVision eExam
The wellness of your members is our top priority, and we are dedicated to providing them with great care. We continuously strive to develop solutions that meet their unique needs and foster their overall health. As an additional option for broader access to care, members can visit select providers for a WellVision eExam and use their VSP benefits for a comprehensive eye exam. As part of the virtual exam, they can expect the following:

  • A detailed discussion of their vision history
  • Pre-test in the provider’s office from a specially trained technician
  • Video conference with a VSP network doctor to complete the exam

As virtual care continues to evolve, members need to stay informed about available options. By contacting their VSP network provider, they can learn more about the virtual eye-care services offered, understand their benefits, and make better-informed decisions about their care.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation with VSP.

